Elevate Your Sober Curious Vibes With Hypegirl Healing!

Free Weekly Online Meet-Up

Join hypegirl hangouts!

A space for connection and support with other newbie non-drinking gals


8:30 AM PT

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Hypegirl Hangouts is where you toast virtual glasses with like-minded gals,

sharing stories, laughs,

and the magic of forging

new connections in a spirited, laid-back

and booze-free zone.


At Hypegirl Hangouts,

you can soak up

all the goodness at a level you're comfortable with. Actively participate in conversations or relax in the cozy corner of supportive silence off-camera.


Hypegirl Hangouts introduces you to women who celebrate your wins, understand your challenges, and make your journey to a healthier, happier you an adventure filled with unwavering support.

Jaime T.

Your Personal Hypegirl


Oh well hey there! I'm Jaime, a high-level grey area drinking coach and educator with a passion for helping wellness-minded women find true freedom from the moderation (un)merry-go-round. I empower clients to escape the constant BS alcohol dumps on them because we're DONE done with all that noise.

You see, I was just like you, searching for solutions to remedy my unhealthy drinking habit after numerous attempts at Whole 30s and Dry Janurys that ended with me nosediving into a bottle of red wine at the finish line.

In 2017, I committed to a 90 day challenge that resulted in alcohol losing its importance in my life. Fast forward to today, I work with

aspiring non-drinkers who are ready for a fresh approach that doesn't include AA or labels.

I recognize that making lasting change includes way more than simply quitting something cold turkey. That's why I prioritize identifying the underlying thoughts, beliefs, and actions that are holding you back.

We'll create a strong foundation for lasting change by replenishing your needs instead of leaving you high, dry, and deprived...

without you ever missing out on any of the fun!

Disclaimer -Hypegirl Hangouts is geared towards women who are making changes to their drinking habits for health and wellness reasons.

This is not a replacement for professional or medical help to stop or cut back on their drinking.